Cloud-based POS

With the right POS system, you can quickly eliminate tons of manual tasks and data entry, which can lead to reporting errors. Whether you're running a multi-location fashion boutique with heavy inventory needs or a restaurant with menu optimization, learn more about POS systems and what might work best for you.

SRPOS from Anagha

However, many small businesses are still using older, more outdated POS systems. Only 19% of businesses use systems less than two years old, signaling that upgrades might be needed to help your store run smoothly.


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On-premise POS
Our rich library of built-in templates will ensure you have enough layouts and pre-defined designs to quickly build your POS.
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Cloud-based POS
POS is first of its kind POS software, which saves your data over the cloud giving you access to all the features you want with ‘Zero’ hassles. It works both Online and offline.
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Cut down your Hardware expenses
Being cloud-based means your data will be synchronized over a cloud server instead of being stored locally on a PC.Cuts down your hardware expenses by 50%.
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Grow your business
We understand that running a business is complicated, so POS comes up with easy-to-use and customized POS to meet the growing demands of your business.
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Multiple Payment options &Conversion factors
POS is exclusively designed, reliable, fast and easy-to use POS that helps you to expand your business globally and run it from a single platform.
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Through our multiple reporting system you can access your sales and inventory reports from your phone, tablet and PC.

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