Shopping Cart


Our software combines standalone applications and embedded commerce services that streamline web buyers’ experience and make it possible to select and reserve items for purchase before moving to check out. It has become an indispensable tool in this age of the Internet, when online shopping has become a preferred method of acquiring goods and services. Both vendors and buyers depend on such services to close successful deals.

visual dashboard example from Anagha

What does Shopping Cart Software do? The reason why there are so many possible definition to answer our question, “What is shopping cart software,” is because of the diversity of features these services provide. Shopping cart software varies from fully hosted off-the-shelf solutions you can use without dedicated online stores; to self-hosted and 100% customizable portals you can embed on any already operable location. In both cases, you will get an active and independent analyzer of your shoppers’ data, and be able to discover invaluable hints on what sells, and what causes users to abandon the cart. Therefore, the best and most accurate definition of shopping cart software would be “a shortcut to more productive and effortless selling.”


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  1. A more personalized shopping experience. In response to the “impersonal shopping” issue, developers of carts are focusing heavily on developing tools that will make customers feel more welcomed. Systems of the future will lean on  and adapt to seasonal and temporary changes of buyers’ behavior, so that each client will receive the service he’s after.
  2. Product testing and predictive marketing. Analytics will become even more important in the future, and merchants will be able to associate their carts with a variety of business intelligence tools to perform complex examinations. Products will be subjected to multiple tests and experiments for merchants to develop working strategies, and to create targeted, successful email campaigns.
  3. Tighter integrations with social media. Expect shopping carts to be tightly integrated with leading social media platforms, so that you can track traffic and marketing campaigns, and coordinate teams and agents selling on different locations.

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